Wednesday, January 31, 2018

GSK Initiatives Embarks on Campaign Against Child Abuse and Neglect at Ado Ekiti

Child abuse has become an escalating phenomenon that poses a great risk to the general development of children from every walk of life and it has been a major challenge to our society till date. Various forms of child abuse exist; they can take the form of child neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse and emotional abuse. Studies worldwide have shown that all forms of child abuse are indeed a serious international crime which requires adequate attention and intervention. The United Nations General Assembly adopted the convention on the right of the child. This convention respects the child as a human being with personal dignity and rights. The child is seen internationally as a person of intrinsic worth entitled to respect equal to the rights enjoyed by every adult. However, this child right law has not been fully implemented, especially in many homes and local communities in Nigeria.

In Ekiti state, there are many local communities where the inhabitants are less informed and educated. Many of these people use children for labour, begging for alms and hawking during school hours. These acts are borne out of ignorance and poverty by many of them, hence the need to educate them through a sensitization programme.

This is the reason why we chose to start our community development service which, for the benefits of our kids, took the form of orientation campaign against Child Abuse/Neglect. The first of its kind. The campaign took place yesterday, 31st January, 2018 at notable markets in the city, with the grand finale of this first phase at the popular Oja Oba in Ado Ekiti, Ekiti State. It was a movement for all, and a craving for more friendly environments for kids and young people. A roll of pictures shot at every scene of the programme yesterday tells the story more.

We however share these testimonials via these media to ensure that we galvanize more actions from you and push to crave your support in the re-orientation project.

We can't afford child neglect in our societies again
 Every child deserves care, love and compassion
Let us give their plights a voice together...

Global Support for Kids Initiative needs you to create an enviable space for all kids and young people!!!


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