Friday, June 10, 2022



Meaning is made in conversation, reality is created in communication and knowledge is generated through social interaction....  Language is the vehicle through which we create our understanding of the world." Diana Whitney

GLOBAL SUPPORT FOR KIDS INITIATIVE Team in their various location had interactive session with the street connected children about their mental health as the staff talk to them on  the negative effect when it is been  ignored and also the  importance of having good mental health.

Also, this week, we create atmosphere to inculcate educational values through literacy class with subject like Mathematics, English Language and General Studies to street children, which help these street connected children to know their rights and also  be able to  express their mind where ever they find themselves.

According to Zig Ziglar ''If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you but If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.''

As part of our activities this week, GSK Initiative Team visited her OVC beneficiaries in their various schools to present educational support materials and also pay their tuition fees for the term and her OVC beneficiaries who are learning a vocation was not left behind also, as the staff ensures that they provide everything possible to make their apprenticeship  period a  relief one for them, as foodstuffs and hygiene product were given to them.

Activities for the week was wrapped up with the staff engaging in community awareness about the situation of street connected children in our society and also sensitizing member of their community  on Child Abuse and neglect and child labour.


Friday, June 3, 2022



GLOBAL SUPPORT FOR KIDS INITIATIVE Team step out to accomplish their tasks with the street connected children on the field and also sensitizes their communities for the week.

The staff arrived their respective location this week to  carry out their field activities with the street connected children. Activities for the week was  interactive session and community sensitization, in which the staff engage the community by sensitizing its members about  what we are doing as an organization to help and curb the rate at which vulnerable children are been abused and neglected. The staff  implore them to support our movement in  their little way by playing a good parental role in the lives of their children. 

During interactive session with the street children, we were able to know some of the challenges these children are facing  presently, in which  the staff advised them and also encourage them to always be free to discuss any issues bothering  them . Also the staff  enlighten the street children on  safety  and not to allow themselves to be use for violence ,since the governorship election is around the corner in the state. After our discussion with them, they promised the staff that they will  yield to every  advised given to them.

Also GSK Initiative team engage her communities by sensitizing the people through creating public awareness  about street  children in our society and also on Child Abuse, Child Labour and Child Neglect. Telling them what the Organization stand for. The staff shared flyers out to the passers-by, traders, shop owner, bike riders and taxi drivers as they were not left out because majority of them are parents or caregivers. The staff took their time to communicate in native language (Yoruba)  for those who don't understand English language.

During the public outreach, most of the targeted audience asked questions in the course of interaction with them and the staff took their time to explain and provide an answer to the questions in a simple and clear manner.

At the end of our engagement with the community, majority of our audiences commend our  effort in services to humanities.

Friday, May 27, 2022



Our activities this week with the street connected children focus on Interactive session, psychosocial activity (Ludo, Chess & football games) and Children’s Day Celebration.

It was a wonderful week out there with street connected children. The staff engaged these children in interactive session to advise them on how to stay safe  and not get involved in any criminal activities in the course  of them searching for livelihood in the street to prevent unnecessary harassment from the security personnel who perceived them as a criminal.

Also psychosocial activities session was so interesting   as the staff throw more life and fun with their field activities by engaging them in football match as they pair in groups, while some played  chess  and  the rest played Ludo game among themselves. All these psychosocial activities ends with winners emerging from each games.

GSK TEAM also ensures that our OVC beneficiaries were not left behind as the staff check on them in their various vocational centre's to access their performance and commitment towards their skills acquisition and in which  their bosses gave a good comment about them.

 The Children's Day Celebration was colourful and awesome ,as the street connected children turn out in numbers to participate in the event which also draw the attention of the passer-by ,as they stood by to feed their eye as the events roll out with wonderful music from the disc joker, who happen to be one of the street children. The event started with a talk session on moral values as the staff took their time out to educate them on importance of moral values .Before the talk session was brought to an end, different questions was asked by the children , in which the staff provide answers to them.

After  the session ,music was played and the children including the staff and volunteers all danced.   

At the end of the activities snacks and drinks was given to the children as refreshment to celebrate them on a special day like this just like every other children at home.

Friday, March 11, 2022

GSK Initiative set to make a positive impact.

 What is Life Without Impacting?

According to John C. Maxwell “Be Intentional to Add Value to Every Person You Meet Every day”. “Touching and impacting every life that cross our path is a sign of value of Love we received from our Creator”.
GSK Initiative “realize that one of the ways, we can leave a footprint is when we have a positive impact in another human lives”. The blissful dew of the week rose with the strength of fulfilment in impacting the lives of the street connected children.
As the way of impacting the lives of the street children, GSK Initiative staff engaged the street connected children with activities that can enhance their mental abilities which involves Literacy Class, Psychosocial activities and Moral Talk for the week. The literacy class activities with them serve as means of bringing education to them since the access to formal education is not accessible for them.

Psychosocial activities are another brilliant way of testing and developing their creative abilities to solve problems. Also, Moral talk session helps to bring to their awareness some moral values that is acceptable in the society and educate them on behavior / habit they should do without.

Also, GSK Initiative staff reach out to our OVC in their various centre where they are learning vocation and they are performing well We believe by engaging these Children with activities we are reforming and preparing them to be better in character and also to become a responsible individual in the society.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Global Support for kids Initiatives Extends her program Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC)

GSK INITIATIVE extends her program to ORPHANAGE AND VULNERABLE CHILDREN (OVC) amidst the global crises of COVID_19. Covid-19 has succeeded in pushing so many children to the street. They are more vulnerable to covid-19 affliction as they roam about the streets aimlessly hoping to find their daily breads. As a result, they become incapacitated in even protecting themselves against viruses, diseases et al life-threatening pandemic diseases.

GSK over the years have been able to bridge the gap of rightfully connecting these street children to their society. We've been able to show them the need to be a better part of the society and not a threat to it through proper psychological orientation.
Also, some helpless children dropped out of school due to lack of financial support from parent and primary caregiver. These street children are out there going through sufferings, hunger, fear and societal hostility
We at GSK have been able to take them off street to build them ahead as future Leaders of our great nation.
Over the years, GSK have been able to help these children by ensuring that they feel loved, provide basic needs and most importantly fix them to acquire proper education and skills to be self-sufficient and responsible individuals in the society.
We intend to be the hope for these kids, put smiles on their faces and most importantly make them relevant in our society- not today alone but tomorrow and beyond.
GSK intends to make them feel loved and important too. And that's why you need to partner with GSK in making these children become a better version of themselves. your support would go a long way...
Indeed, they are the future of tomorrow, and they need our love and support.